Section: Research Program

Inland flow processes

Shallow water models with porosity


State of the Art

Simulating urban floods and free surface flows in wetlands requires considerable computational power. Two-dimensional shallow water models are needed. Capturing the relevant hydraulic detail often requires computational cell sizes smaller than one meter. For instance, meshing a complete urban area with a sufficient accuracy would require 106 to 108 cells, and simulating one second often requires several CPU seconds. This makes the use of such model for crisis management impossible. Similar issues arise when modelling wetlands and coastal lagoons, where large areas are often connected by an overwhelming number of narrow channels, obstructed by vegetation and a strongly variable bathymetry. Describing such channels with the level of detail required in a 2D model is impracticable. A new generation of models overcoming this issue has emerged over the last 20 years: porosity-based shallow water models. They are obtained by averaging the two-dimensional shallow water equations over large areas containing both water and a solid phase [35]. The size of a computational cell can be increased by a factor 10 to 50 compared to a 2D shallow water model, with CPU times reduced by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude [53]. While the research on porosity-based shallow water models has accelerated over the past decade [48], [64], [68], [46], [45], [53], [78], [79], [74], [47], a number of research issues remain pending.


Four year research objectives

The research objectives are (i) to improve the upscaling of the flux and source term models to be embedded in porosity shallow water models, (ii) to validate these models against laboratory and in situ measurements. Improving the upscaled flux and source term models for urban applications requires that description of anisotropy in porosity models be improved to account for the preferential flows induced by building and street alignment. The description of the porosity embedded in the most widespread porosity approach, the so-called Integral Porosity model [64] [5], has been shown to provide an incomplete description of the connectivity properties of the urban medium. Firstly, the governing equations are strongly mesh-dependent because of consistency issues [5]. Secondly, the flux and source term models fail to reproduce the alignment with the main street axes in a number of situations [4]. Another path for improvement concerns the upscaling of obstacle-induced drag terms in the presence of complex geometries. Recent upscaling research results (to be submitted for publication within the next few weeks) obtained by the LEMON team in collaboration with Tour du Valat suggest that the effects of microtopography on the flow cannot be upscaled using "classical" equation-of-state approaches, as done in most hydraulic models. A totally different approach must be proposed. The next four years will be devoted to the development and validation of improved flux and source term closures in the presence of strongly anisotropic urban geometries and in the presence of strongly variable topography. Validation will involve not only the comparison of porosity model outputs with refined flow simulation results, but also the validation against experimental data sets. No experimental data set allowing for a sound validation of flux closures in porosity models can be found in the literature. Laboratory experiments will be developed specifically in view of the validation of porosity models. Such experiments will be set up and carried out in collaboration with the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), that has an excellent track record in experimental hydraulics and the development of flow monitoring and data acquisition equipment. These activities will take place in the framework of the PoroCity Associate International Laboratory (see next paragraph).



Carole DELENNE , Vincent GUINOT , Antoine ROUSSEAU


External collaborations

  • Tour du Valat (O. Boutron): the partnership with TdV focuses on the development and application of depth-dependent porosity models to the simulation of coastal lagoons, where the bathymetry and geometry is too complex to be represented using refined flow models.

  • University of California Irvine (B. Sanders): the collaboration with UCI started in 2014 with research on the representation of urban anisotropic features in integral porosity models [53]. It has led to the development of the Dual Integral Porosity model [6]. Ongoing research focuses on improved representations of urban anisotropy in urban floods modelling.

  • Université Catholique de Louvain - UCL (S. Soares-Frazão): UCL is one of the few places with experimental facilities allowing for the systematic, detailed validation of porosity models. The collaboration with UCL started in 2005 and will continue with the PoroCity Associate International Laboratory proposal. In this proposal, a for year research program is set up for the validation, development and parametrization of shallow water models with porosity.



State of the Art

Reproducing optimally realistic spatio-temporal rainfall fields is of salient importance to the forcing of hydrodynamic models. This challenging task requires combining intense, usual and dry weather events. Far from being straightforward, this combination of extreme and non-extreme scenarios requires a realistic modelling of the transitions between normal and extreme periods. [57] have proposed in a univariate framework a statistical model that can serve as a generator and that takes into account low, moderate and intense precipitation. In the same vein, [75] developed a bivariate model. However, its extension to a spatial framework remains a challenge. Existing spatial precipitation stochastic generators are generally based on Gaussian spatial processes [22], [55], that are not adapted to generate extreme rainfall events. Recent advances in spatio-temporal extremes modelling based on generalized Pareto processes [39], [71] and semi-parametric simulation techniques [28] are very promising and could form the base for relevant developments in our framework.


Four year research objectives

The purpose is to develop stochastic methods for the simulation of realistic spatio-temporal processes integrating extreme events. Two steps are identified. The first one is about the simulation of extreme events and the second one concerns the combination of extreme and non extreme events in order to build complete, realistic precipitations time series. As far as the first step is concerned, a first task will be to understand and to model the space-time structure of hydrological extremes such as those observed in the French Mediterranean basin, that is known for its intense rainfall events (Cevenol episodes), which have recently received increased attention. We will propose modelling approaches based on the exceedance, which allows the simulated fields to be interpreted as events. Parametric, semi-parametric and non-parametric approaches are currently under consideration. They would allow a number of scientific locks to be removed. Examples of such locks are e.g. accounting for the temporal dimension and for various dependence structures (asymptotic dependence or asymptotic independence possibly depending on the dimension and/or the distance considered). Methodological aspects are detailed in Section 3.3.1. The second step, that is not straightforward, consists in combining different spatio-temporal simulations in order to help to ultimately develop a stochastic precipitation generator capable of producing full precipitation fields, including dry and non-extreme wet periods.



Carole DELENNE , Vincent GUINOT , Gwladys TOULEMONDE


External collaborations

The Cerise (2016-2018) project, led by Gwladys TOULEMONDE , is funded by INSU via the action MANU (MAthematical and Numerical methods) of the LEFE program. It aims to propose methods for simulating scenarii integrating spatio-temporal extremes fields with a possible asymptotic independence for impact studies in environmental sciences. Among the members of this project, Jean-Noel Bacro (IMAG, UM), Carlo Gaetan (DAIS, Italy) and Thomas Opitz (BioSP, MIA, INRA) are involved in the first step as identified in the research objectives of the present sub-section. Denis Allard (BioSP, MIA, INRA) and Julie Carreau (IRD, HSM) will be involved in the second one.

Inland hydrobiological systems


State of the Art

Water bodies such as lakes or coastal lagoons (possibly connected to the sea) located in high human activity areas are subject to various kinds of stress such as industrial pollution, high water demand or bacterial blooms caused by freshwater over-enrichment. For obvious environmental reasons, these water resources have to be protected, hence the need to better understand and possibly control such fragile ecosystems to eventually develop decision-making tools. From a modelling point of view, they share a common feature in that they all involve interacting biological and hydrological processes. According to [40], models may be classified into two main types: “minimal dynamic models” and “complex dynamic models”. These two model types do not have the same objectives. While the former are more heuristic and rather depict the likelihood of considered processes, the latter are usually derived from fundamental laws of biochemistry or fluid dynamics. Of course, the latter necessitate much more computational resources than the former. In addition, controlling such complex systems (usually governed by PDEs) is by far more difficult that controlling the simpler ODE-driven command systems.

LEMON has already contributed both to the reduction of PDE models for the simulation of water confinement in coastal lagoons [41], [23] and to the improvement of ODE models in order to account for space-heterogeneity of bioremediation processes in water resources [21].


Four year research objectives

In collaboration with colleagues from the ANR-ANSWER project and colleagues from INRA, our ambition is to improve existing models of lagoon/marine ecosystems by integrating both accurate and numerically affordable coupled hydrobiological systems. A major challenge is to find an optimal trade-off between the level of detail in the description of the ecosystem and the level of complexity in terms of number of parameters (in particular regarding the governing equations for inter-species reactions). The model(s) should be able to reproduce the inter-annual variability of the observed dynamics of the ecosystem in response to meteorological forcing. This will require the adaptation of hydrodynamics equations to such time scales (reduced/upscaled models such as porosity shallow water models (see Section 3.1.1) will have to be considered) together with the coupling with the ecological models. At short time scales (i.e. the weekly time scale), accurate (but possibly CPU-consuming) 3D hydrodynamic models processes (describing thermal stratification, mixing, current velocity, sediment resuspension, wind waves...) are needed. On the longer term, it is intended to develop reduced models accounting for spatial heterogeneity.

The team will focus on two main application projects in the coming years:

  • the ANR ANSWER project (2017-2021, with INRA Montpellier and LEESU) focusing on the cyanobacteria dynamics in lagoons and lakes. A PhD student will be co-advised by Antoine ROUSSEAU   in collaboration with Céline Casenave (INRA, Montpellier).

  • the long term collaboration with Alain Rapaport (INRA Montpellier) will continue both on the bioremediation of water resources such as the Tunquen lagoon in Chile and with a new ongoing project on water reuse (converting wastewater into water that can be reused for other purposes such as irrigation of agricultural fields). Several projects are submitted to the ANR and local funding structures in Montpellier.



Antoine ROUSSEAU , Vincent GUINOT , Joseph Kahn, PhD student (march 2018)


External collaborations

  • ANR ANSWER consortium: Céline Casenave (UMR MISTEA, INRA Montpellier), Brigitte Vinçon-Leite (UM LEESU, ENPC), Jean-François Humbert (UMR IEES, UPMC). ANSWER is a French-Chinese collaborative project that focuses on the modelling and simulation of eutrophic lake ecosystems to study the impact of anthropogenic environmental changes on the proliferation of cyanobacteria. Worldwide the current environmental situation is preoccupying: man-driven water needs increase, while the quality of the available resources is deteriorating due to pollution of various kinds and to hydric stress. In particular, the eutrophication of lentic ecosystems due to excessive inputs of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) has become a major problem because it promotes cyanobacteria blooms, which disrupt the functioning and the uses of the ecosystems.

  • A. Rousseau has a long lasting collaboration with Alain Rapaport (UMR MISTEA, INRA Montpellier) and Héctor Ramirez (CMM, Université du Chili).



State of the Art

Numerical modelling requires data acquisition, both for model validation and for parameter assessment. Model benchmarking against laboratory experiments is an essential step and is essential to team's strategy. However, scale model experiments may have several drawbacks: i) experiments are very expensive and extremely time-consuming, ii) experiments cannot always be replicated, and measurement have precision and reliability limitations, iii) dimensional similarity (in terms of geometry and flow characteristic variables such as Froude or Reynolds numbers) cannot always be preserved.

An ideal way to obtain data would be to carry out in situ measurements. But this would be too costly at the scale of studied systems, not to mention the fact that field may become impracticable during flood periods.

Remote sensing data are becoming widely available with high spatial and temporal resolutions. Several recent studies have shown that flood extends can be extracted from optical or radar images [42], for example: to characterize the flood dynamics of great rivers [58], to monitor temporary ponds [69], but also to calibrate hydrodynamics models and assess roughness parameters [66], [49], [77].

Upscaled models developed in LEMON embed new parameters that reflect the statistical properties of the medium geometry. Two types of information are needed: the directional properties of the medium and its flow connectivity properties. New methods are thus to be developed to characterize such statistical properties from geographical data.


Four year research objectives

This research line consists in deriving methods and algorithms for the determination of upscaled model parameters from various types and sources of geodata: aerial photographs, urban databases, remote sensing SAR or optical data, etc. In developed countries, it is intended to extract information on the porosities and their principal directions from urban or National geographical survey databases. Such databases usually incorporate separate layers for roads, buildings, parking lots, yards, etc. Most of the information is stored in vector form, which can be expected to make the treatment of urban anisotropic properties easier than with the raster format. Moreover, data is made increasingly available over the world thanks to crowdsourcing (e.g. OpenStreetMap). However, in order to achieve a correct parametrization of a porosity model, identifying areas with homogeneous porosity properties is necessary. Algorithms identifying the shape and extension of such areas are still to be developed.

In developing countries, such level of detail in vector format may not be available. Moreover, vector data for the street network does not provide all the relevant information. In suburban areas, lawns, parks and other vegetated areas may also contribute to flood propagation and storage. In this context, it is intended to extract the necessary information from aerial and/or satellite images, that are widely available and the spatial resolution of which improves constantly. A major research line will consist in deriving the information on street preferential orientation using textural analysis techniques. Such techniques have been used successfully in the field of agricultural pattern identification during Carole DELENNE   PhD thesis [37], [62]. However, their application to the urban environment raises a number of issues. One of them is the strongly discontinuous character of the urban medium, that makes textural analysis difficult.

In wetlands applications, the flow connectivity is a function of the free surface elevation. Characterizing such connectivity requires that topographical variations be known with high accuracy. Despite the increased availability of direct topographic measurements from LiDARS on riverine systems, data collection remains costly when wide areas are involved. Data acquisition may also be difficult when poorly accessible areas are dealt with. If the amount of topographic points is limited, information on elevation contour lines can be easily extracted from the flood dynamics visible in simple SAR or optical images. A challenge is thus to use such data in order to estimate continuous topography on the floodplain combining heterogeneous data: topographic sampling points and located contour lines the levels of which are unknown or uncertain.



Carole DELENNE , Vincent GUINOT , Antoine ROUSSEAU


External collaborations

  • The methodologies concerning geographical databases in vector form will be developed in strong collaboration with C. Dieulin at HSM in the framework of the PoroCity Associate International Laboratory cited above.

  • Research on topography reconstruction in wetlands begun in collaboration with J.-S. Bailly (LISAH) in 2016 [36] and will continue in the coming years.